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Always Working !

Proud to announce BreakThru Consulting LLC is the #1 rated resume business in the State Of South Carolina currently. There is no letting up!

Personal thank you to all clients and individuals that have been a integral part of the growth and success of the business. Much love to everyone!

To all the supporters of small business especially this one- Thank you! Just in the last 30 Days I am proud to announce that we broke many records at BREAKTHRU! Let's list a few.

Total Quoted Jobs - 28 (Almost 1 Per day)
Total Sales - 21 Overall Jobs Closed
Subscribers- Over 25 new subs on Website
Web Traffic - up 3000% !!!!!!!!!!!!!
Hired Clients- 8 Jobs Accepted
Interviews- 16 Clients interviewed within period.

After a complete overhaul on policy - pricing - and services offered. This has been quite the month. I cannot wait to see what next month has in store for all of us. I am pleased to say that I have been thinking of expanding the team, and announcing that in due time. 2022 is not over but 2023 is already being planned. Thank you all so much for the support.

To my clients: I am forever proud of you all.

Keep Going!



©2023 by M Kirkland

All Terms & Conditions / Site Policy are Listed on Policy Page.

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