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About Us

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Founded by Michael in 2021- BreakThru strives to be a personable yet professional ground breaking career/business consulting company.


Our Motto:

"It's never too late to invest in your next BreakThru, it's always your time"


At BreakThru we use our resources and talents to aim at finding what makes you great, so you can BreakThru!

Meet The Team


Michael Kirkland

Born in Augusta, GA but moved to the inner city of Miami, FL at a young age. Right before I was a teenager I moved to South Carolina, to small rural town America and saw the swift challenges between city and rural differences I experienced. I broke through many cultural barriers and continued my education at the University of South Carolina - Aiken. Graduated with a degree in Business and also a proud member of Phi Beta Sigma Inc. I've held positions in many different industries including retail sales, healthcare, construction, judicial and analytics. Most of all learning how to move and self train, becoming good at different tasks without prior knowledge.


I have a knack of blending in with any environment which is what I try to hand off to other people by helping accomplish the same. I feel confident with coordinating teams, project management and training others at a high success rate. With my experience and knowledge and proven people skills- BreakThru is how I'd love to help people just like you tap into your industry in ways many don’t prepare you for or teach.


I'm currently located in Columbia, SC-  I enjoy all things sports, music and movies - throw in some video game time with the boys and some shoe collecting and its a great day, don't forget the cigars when we celebrate your success. 


Thank you for visiting. -MK

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Creative Partner

Adrian Bistolfi

Hey, I'm Adrian, also known as AB. Graphic design was something I always enjoyed but never pursued seriously until I was furloughed from my job due to the pandemic. With some free time and a desire to explore my artistic side, I started creating designs and sharing them on Twitter. I was surprised and encouraged by the positive response I received, and this led to the launch of Stickerz By AB with a focus on Miami sports. As the business grew, so did my passion for it. Today, About The Fans is a passion project that allows me to combine my creativity with my love for sports and support fans who share that same passion.


I will be a creative partner with Breakthru helping focus new direction to help deliver our clients exciting and unique branding material.

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©2023 by M Kirkland


All Terms & Conditions / Site Policy are Listed on Policy Page.


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